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Inventors of the patented process for treating assembled printed circuit boards using electroless nickel plating to eliminate tin whiskers.

Tin Whiskers

Whisker problems have been experienced by SMART Group members on PCB surface finishes and component terminations. Even when all of the existing mitigating practices have been followed [these problems] can still occur....
Given the long history and current use of electroless nickel, both on circuit board bare fabs and components, along with the historic tin whisker testing on nickel coated components, it looks like the search for an effective, easily-reworkable, easily-implemented, cost-effective process for the elimination of tin whiskers is over.

First time here? See our introduction.

LDF Coatings Patented Process U.S. Patent 9295165

Learn about our revolutionary new process that applies electroless nickel to electronic assemblies to eliminate (not just mitigate) the tin whisker problem. Whisker Inpenetrable Metal Cap Process for Electronic Assemblies (PDF)

An Introduction to the LDF Coatings Nickel Deposition Process

Whisker-Inpenetrable Metal Cap Process for Electronic Assemblies (PDF) Landman, Davy, Fritz; Reliability Society 2010 Annual Technical Report

Useful Articles & Links:

52 Years Later—Tin Whiskers Still Elude a Comprehensive Solution An LDFCoatings summary of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center studies; February 28, 2021

Electronic Assembly with Solder: an Unblinking Look at "The Devil We Know", Joe Fjelstad, Guest Column, SMT Magazine July 2014

Unredacted NASA Technical Assessment Report of NHTSA Toyota Unintended Acceleration Investigation PRIOR to Toyota's redaction before release to the public. (177 pages)

unredacted = yellow text on black

Electrical Failure of an Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Caused by a Tin Whisker...; Leidecker, Panashchenko, Brusse; CALCE 5th Internation Tin Whisker Symposium

Toyota's Sudden Acceleration Problem May Have Been Triggered By Tin Whiskers; Silke Carty, Sharon; The Huffington Post, www.huffingtonpost.com; January 24, 2012

Tin Whiskers Problems, Causes, and Solutions U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Department of Health, March 14, 1986

Read John Burke's full article at: http://www.pcbdesign007.com/pages/zone.cgi?a=71147

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center tin whisker page:

Osborn, Kris. "Army Works to Decrease Lead-Free Electronic Components." Army AL&T Online. Sept. 2010. http://www.army.mil/article/40712/army-works-to-decrease-lead-free-electronic-components/

Tin Whiskers—A Long Term RoHS Reliability Problem (PDF); Robert J. Landman, H&L Instruments; IEEE Reliability Society 2008 Annual Technology Report.

A comprehensive compilation of tin whisker articles, PowerPoint presentations, movies, and pictures: https://hlinstruments.com/RoHS_articles

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